Sunday, June 3, 2007

It's been a crazy month!!

I forgot I had this blog! With my training thrown out of the window I haven't thought to keep it up;) I landed my new job with Johnson & Johnson and took about a month off prior. I had a chance to do a bit of traveling. I went out to Boulder, CO (Where I will move to one day!!! ) It was awesome. I did some amazing trail running with my buddy Grant. I had a week long hunting/ fly fishing trip in the Catskills mountains of New York State with my Pop. I finally had a chance to catch up with chores/ projects left unfinished around my house. I even did something I swore I would never do...I went skydiving!! As Ernest Hemingway said "Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut" After a few beers I made this mistake of agreeing to go skydiving with my buddy Aubrey who has over 4000 jumps. He held me to it and woke me out of bed at 9 a.m. the next morning with parachut in hand! I adopted a new dog. His name is Jack and he is a cool dude. I dropped out of Ironman CDA this June. With my lack of preparation and my upcoming flyfishing trip to Montana in July, I cannot afford that much time away from the new job:( Currently sitting in the Tampa airport waiting for my delayed flight to Newark, NJ. I hope to use these next two weeks in Jersey to get back in shape. Then maybe I can actully blog about my training:)