Monday, March 26, 2007


It has been quite the week. I resigned from my job and decided to pack up the Subaru and head out West on an extended road trip. I am still in the process of planning out my trip. I am planning to camp as much as possible and explore all of the running trails I have been reading about for the past few years. My goal is to leave in the next couple of weeks. I am completely at peace for the first time in seven years since I started working in medical device sales. You start to ask yourself..Whats the point of working so hard if you cannot enjoy life. I think I just need this time to get my head straight and come back with a renewed vigor. I am even thinking about selling my home and moving to Boulder CO or Portland OR. The great thing is that I'll have this time to figure out what I really want.

I flew home this weekend to spend time with Mom, Dad and Paige. She is sooo funny and wicked smart! She can carry a full on conversation and doesn’t skip a beat. Brandon and Cleo flew up from Miami and Tyler and Alison drove down from the City and Rick and Stacy drove up from Jersey. It was one of the best evenings I have ever had. Mom cooked an amazing spread and Pop cracked about 10 bottles of wine and we played all kinds of games...I think Catch Phrase was the hit of the night. It was so great having my three best friends and their wives all together at the same time. Being with family and great friends coupled with lots of laughter is truly the fabric of life. It's really stinks that these guy's live so far away.

Well I'm back in Tampa. I'm finally able to get some work done around the house. All of the travel that I have done over the past six months caused some neglect around my house. I have my cousin Kelly and Aunt Fran coming to visit this Saturday for five day' it's time to clean the bachelor pad! ;) My ankle is back in shape!!!! Pete did his magic. I am meeting the X-crew tom morning at 5:30 at the gym for a 10 miler. I can't wait!

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Ankle tweeked :(

This is me and my track coach Droor boozing it up on St Paddy's!
Training has come to an abrupt stop. Work has been absolutely nuts.....way too many conferences and dinners. I also did some damage to my ankle. I increased my mileage way too quickly and think I have tore some tendons. I have been off my ankle for about two weeks..... Decided I would run yesterday just to see how I felt. IT FELT GREAT!! Until I got home ;) It was such a beautiful day that I didn't want to stop. I ended up running about 11 miles at a super easy pace. I'm going to try going back to Pete my sports massage guy. He is a miracle worker so I'm hoping he'll work his magic. Truly sucks to be injured.... why can't the body be as strong as the mind. I guess it's strictly just pool for this cat for the next few weeks ;(!!!