Sunday, March 18, 2007

Ankle tweeked :(

This is me and my track coach Droor boozing it up on St Paddy's!
Training has come to an abrupt stop. Work has been absolutely nuts.....way too many conferences and dinners. I also did some damage to my ankle. I increased my mileage way too quickly and think I have tore some tendons. I have been off my ankle for about two weeks..... Decided I would run yesterday just to see how I felt. IT FELT GREAT!! Until I got home ;) It was such a beautiful day that I didn't want to stop. I ended up running about 11 miles at a super easy pace. I'm going to try going back to Pete my sports massage guy. He is a miracle worker so I'm hoping he'll work his magic. Truly sucks to be injured.... why can't the body be as strong as the mind. I guess it's strictly just pool for this cat for the next few weeks ;(!!!

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