Sunday, February 11, 2007

Diet begins after this bowl of ice cream

Sooo the training begins....time to put down the cheeseburger's, peanut M&M's and my all time favorite bacon egg and cheese sandwich and everything that has led to the ridiculous size of my belly. 20lbs....that's my goal.....time frame 2 months. Well... had a fairly productive training weekend. Ran 8 miles friday eve at a relaxed pace and then Ran 11 miles at 5:30 a.m. on Sat morning with the SHARKS. Biked about 25 miles Sat afternoon and even hit the gym. The gym was partly because my BRAND NEW hot water heater crapped the bed= no hot water:( So once again gym today did a quick two miles on tready at a 6 min pace, then stairmaster, jump rope (my new favorite activity...reminds me of Rocky in the meat locker) combo-d in with push up's. I seriously need to get back in the pool!!! I had my first real lesson by a buddy of mine a former olympian. DUDE....I was wasting so much energy with my old stroke. No wonder why I was getting past by jellie fish!!

Soo has anyone ever aspirated water while swimming? How about in a race? It just happened to me in a sprint relay race I did with some friends. I did the swim, and bike and my friend Deana did the run. We were racing against 3 other teams of friends. I really didn't take the race all that seriously...I had a date the night prior and ended up drinking a bottle of really good wine and getting about 3 hours of sleep. So I took off like a bat out of hell and rounded the first marker where some clown tanked me while doing the zig zag. It was quite possibly the scariest / most emabarrasing moment of my life. I couldn't breath. Started looking around for one of the kayak dudes to grab on. But no I treaded water for about three min taking short quick breaths and was able to take a half a breath. For the first time I thought about quitting the race. And then my ego kicked in and i thought there is no way we are losing this freakin thing. So started swimming again and pounded the bike and team GLUE won:). But still when I think about it...darn scarey. I could have bit the dust! Just that feeling of helplessness and shear panic!!! If I ever lifeguard a race....I will be dam vigilant about keeping an eye out for cat's in trouble!

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