Monday, February 12, 2007

Made me think

I drove down to Sanibel FL today to visit with my mom and dad who are vacationing here for the next month. It is extremely relaxing down here. Their condo is right on the beach. It brings back so many great childhood memories of growing up at the Jersey Shore. to sit on the deck and listen to the gulf's gentle waves, feel the breeze and smell the salt water. For a brief second I forgot that I have to work tomorrow...thankfully I have a meeting at a Hospital only 20 miles from here:) We had dinner tonight with my Aunt and Uncle who are also vacationing up the road from here. I have not seen them in 6 years. It was great to catch up! It's always neat to get your parents perspective on their parents. I never met my grandfather on my dad's side but he was a touch Irishman, grew up in the coal minds of western PA was an semi pro boxer and eventually became a Doctor. I don't think he would ever be classified as the "touchy feely" type...yet he had a certain way of showing his love. My dad made a comment to his brother tonight over dinner about how "dad always gave the best cut's (of meat) and the biggest portion's to his family saving the scraps for himself." I believe if you look at a person as a whole it's the small things that truly define a person... the everyday sacrifices and gestures that are the makeup of who we are.

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