Thursday, February 15, 2007


Ran 7 miles tonight at @ 7 min mile....Felt really strong tonight....I wanted to go further but had to get back to the office for a report due tom:( Was planning to head down to Miami this weekend to spend some time with the Brandon and Cleo Crawford....our friend Ryan is having a crawfish boil/ fest expecting 300 plus at his house. He and Elaine really know how to throw a party!! But alas I! to stick around in tampa and be healthy. Sorry B.C..I did promise I'd come..but I can't afford a weekend of drunkin debauchery;) .. So I'm going to run the Gasparilla race's...still undecided if I'm going to run the 5k/ 15K and the half marathon or if I'm going to do the 5k and the marathon. It's called the bud light challenge?? It was called the jeep liberty challenge last year.. Anyway I also met this cute girl on a blind date... on Valentines day no less!! so I think were getting together this weekend.... P.S. my spell checker is not I'm posting anyway;)

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